COMING SOON! THE UNGA TRIBE OF BANGWEULU SWAMPS- MORE THAN JUST FISHERMEN CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: Origins and the founding of Lunga CHAPTER 2: Chieftaincy and Succession Lineage CHAPTER 3: Language, Culture and Tradition CHAPTER 4: Fishing, Hunting as main occupation CHAPTER 5: Wildlife, Traditional Ceremony & Tourism CHAPTER 6: Food and Nutrition CHAPTER 7: Social and Pastime activities CHAPTER 8: Death and Superstition CHAPTER 9: Politics and Development CHAPTER 10: Unique Words, Adages and Idioms ____________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Within Bangweulu Wetlands lies a vast 5,000 km 2 swampy area called Lunga, which is home to over 50,000 indigenous Unga tribesmen. The name Lunga simply means to hunt and was derived from the area’s suitability for hunting expeditions because of its abundant wildlife. Located...