Our politicians should not avoid answering questions from their constituents about the kind of development we expect them to deliver. We have observed this from the way they are avoiding availing themselves for public debate to tell the people what they are planning to do when elected. They would rather talk to the old and vulnerable village woman whose major concerns are short-term and easy to solve; her day’s bread. No. Lunga is not a family kitchen where you can plan the menu and recipe alone. It is for all of us. We are all stakeholders and as such, we deserve to know what our leaders are planning to do for us. No one person has the monopoly of wisdom. We must remind them that more and more of their constituents are getting enlightened as they graduate from schools and colleges. That is the essence of sending people to school. We are angry because we are hungry for development. We want to inform our Politicians in Lunga that they will never again co...