THE UNGA TRIBE AND LAND TENURE It is interesting to note how “land” is methodically demarcated on and around Lunga islands. Every bit of the canal, lagoon, river or land of each island belong to some clan with one person in charge. A well-defined territory either belongs to Bena Mumba, Bena Mfula, Bena Ng’oma, Bena Mbushi or so clan. The ultimate familial landlord is called a Chipupila with full authority and tenure rights. S/he is sometimes referred to as Kapepa. Chipupila is typically the intercessor between the chief and ancestral spirits of the land. He is the de facto sub-chief believed to possess spiritual powers to bless or curse his “land.” S/he performs rituals that maintain the people's relationship with nature.. S/he inherits this office at the death of the family appointed representative. He or she must be as conversant as the past Chipupila about the history and borders of the region. They also assume the role of custodians of totems known as inshipa, ...